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Dramatic Improvement Accessing Middlemarch Business Park

It is always pleasing to report the successful completion of a major project, especially if it relates to a part of the main road network with the potential to affect many local businesses and their employees for an extended period. So, after what seemed like a lifetime – but which was actually ‘only’ 3 years – the £100 million Tollbar Island Improvement Project, at the junction of A45 and A46 roads, is now fully operational and improving the working life of everyone who has to travel through this business-critical intersection.

Although accompanied by some adverse press and TV coverage in the early days, the reality was that existing clients, here at Offpro Ltd’s Coventry office, did not suffer too much in the way of inconvenience throughout. Indeed, in many respects travel improved almost from the day construction started, no doubt the result of the determined efforts of the project team to keep the distribution companies, based on the business park, moving.

Nonetheless, it is likely that the close proximity of the roadworks to our building will have deterred some potential clients from considering our building as their ideal space.

Now that the finished layout, with its new underpass from the eastbound A45 onto the A46 Coventry Eastern Bypass, has been completed, the improvement to travel times for those based in our building has been nothing short of phenomenal. Delays are very much a thing of the past, even at peak commuting times, and so we expect the Middlemarch Business Park to rapidly regain its former standing as the premier Coventry business park.

So, if you are looking for easily accessible, quality, serviced office space, backed by high levels of personal, hands-on service, delivered directly by the Owner/Directors and their small team of professionals, do please contact us and see what we can do for you and your business. We offer fully-inclusive, fixed monthly pricing allied to total flexibility over your space requirements and every aspect of our relationship with you – we mold to your requirements, you do not conform to ours.

Why not give us Call today at 024 7621 4444 or feel free to drop us an Email.

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